忘れられない思い出をつくるために Creating unforgettable memories...
MHD モエ ヘネシー ディアジオの世界観はそんなひと言に表れているのではないでしょうか。
MHDは私たちのバリュー(価値観):Sharing / 共有、Elegance / 洗練、Epicurism / エピキュリズム、Integrity / 誠実さ、Spirit of Conquest / 開拓者精神に基づき、先駆者精神と職業倫理を備え、卓越した結果を残すことにコミットするチームです。
The world of MHD Moët Hennessy Diageo, where through our leading portfolio of luxury champagnes, wines and spirits brands, we enhance the experiences of our discerning consumers, through providing excitement, glamour, and refinement.
Driven by a pioneering spirit and a commitment to delivering excellence, the MHD Moët Hennessy team is guided by the company’s values: “Sharing”, “Elegance”, “Epicurism”, “Integrity” and “Spirit of Conquest”. Supported by a structured program of training, development and talent management, we are committed to the progression of our people and organization – whilst striving to ensure that MHD Moët Hennessy Diageo is one of the most professional wines and spirits companies in Japan.
As a team, we aim to deliver the high performance culture expected of our shareholders, add value to our customers and enhance the lives of our consumers – whilst recognizing our responsibilities as custodians of our heritage-rich brands, and our obligation to build and develop these brands to ensure their appreciation by future generations.