2017.07.25 The EVENTS & NEWS has been updated.
We are deliverying the latest news and other information about our handling brands as "Event & News" regular basis.
Please have a look.
札幌の空に舞い上がる花火と共にモエ・エ・シャンドンを楽しむ。7月28日(金) 札幌 道新・UHB花火大会 中島公園内に「MOËT PARK LOUNGE」登場。
ホテルニューオータニのガーデンプールにモエ・エ・シャンドン プールサイドハウスがオープン!
Jancis Robinson places Termanthia at the top of the Toro designation and Spain overall!
Cloudy Bay “Come Sail Away” dinner event will be held in HILTON TOKYO ODAIBA!
Now introducing hot wo enjoy a summer Chandon picnic
Chandon Brut appeared on “Marriage – Kami no Shizuku” again!